Monday, January 01, 2007

Yesterday, I had the chance to take a selfbow to a 3d range and have a go! I and a friend shot the entire 21 target course, and really extended our shooting range well beyond anything we had done before. It was a complete blast, shooting at targets from 30 and 40 yards, (our norm is 18 to 20 yards). We figured with next fall being so far off, this would be a great time to work farther out. This picture of a 3D hog was a 25 yard shot, and probably the prettiest I have ever made in front of another person!
Check back....more to come.


Blogger F Thomas said...

Jeff: Followed your link from Leatherwall. Great shot on the hog.
It will be interesting to see how a Trad Blog works out. Keep posting new stuff and I'll check back.

F Thomas

7:46 PM  
Blogger Fresh Water Pirate said...

Good luck with this! What part of Georgia do you live in? I'm in Grayson and I'm looking to get into bow making. give me a shout.

10:03 AM  
Blogger jeff barwick said...


thanks for the read. i am located outside of Dublin, about an hour from Macon. shoot me an email

do you build your own gear?

thanks again


5:47 PM  

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